1. 辦理大專院校促進健康主題式系列活動。
2. 配合教育部及衛生福利部政令宣導。
月份Month | 活動主題Activity | 健康議題 Issue | 活動方式Method | 地點Place | |||
113學年第一學期 The fall semester, academic year 2023/2024 | |||||||
9月(Sep) |
1.9/7(w六)翻轉有一套、愛愛滋多少之健康促進活動(AIDS and Anti-Discrimination
「癌症健康篩檢活動」說明會。Cancer Health Screening Event Presentation |
1.愛滋、性教育及疾病相關防治及宣導。HIV, Sex Education, and Disease Prevention and Awareness Promotion
2.因現代癌症比例節節升高,養成定期篩檢好習慣尤為重要,其中大腸癌、乳癌、子宮頸癌等,為國人常見癌症,透過免費篩檢,可早期發現、早期治療。With the increasing prevalence of modern cancers, it is especially important to develop the habit of regular screenings. Among these, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer are common cancers in our country. Through free screenings, early detection and early treatment are possible.
1.社團聯展活動攤位。NTU Club Exposition 2.實體與線上講座。Physical seminar
1.椰林大道社團聯展場地。Royal Palm Blvd 2.保健中心2樓衛教室。Health Education Room, 2nd Floor, Health Center
10月(Oct) |
1.10/2(w三)「消滅病媒蚊,戰勝登革熱」講座Eliminating Vector Mosquitoes and Defeating Dengue Fever 2.10/16、17(w三、四)「癌症健康篩檢活動」Cancer Health Screening Campaign 3.10/29(w二)菸害防制(含一氧化碳檢驗)。Smoke damage prevention
1、登革熱傳染病宣導,增進全校教職員工生對登革熱的認知。Dengue Fever Awareness Campaign: Enhancing the Understanding of Dengue Fever among All School Faculty, Staff, and Students 3.相關菸品介紹及對人體的影響。Introduction to related tobacco products and their impact on the human body
1.實體講座Physical seminar 2.癌篩活動 3.實體與線上講座Physical seminar
保健中心。Health Center | |||
11月(Nov) |
視力保健及VR體驗」。Vision Care and VR Experience 2.11/27(w三)靜心時光—香氛美學手做DIY精油。Quiet Time: Aromatherapy DIY Workshop
1.增進全校教職員工生對視力保健的認知。Increasing the awareness of vision care among all school faculty, staff, and students。 2.利用午休時間讓教職員工生透過手做精油,來減輕壓力和促進放鬆。Using lunch break time to allow faculty, staff, and students to create essential oils hands-on, aiming to reduce stress and promote relaxation. |
1.實體與線上講座。Physical seminar 2.實體講座。Physical seminar
保健中心。Health Center | |||
12月(Dec) | 12/3(w二)&12/11(w三)「愛滋與反歧視宣導講座」 (AIDS and Anti-Discrimination |
愛滋、性教育及疾病相關防治及宣導。HIV/AIDS, Sex Education, and Disease Prevention and Awareness |
實體與線上講座。Physical seminar | 保健中心。Health Center | |||
113學年第二學期 The second semester of the 113th academic year. | |||||||
2月(Feb) | 活動主題Activity | 健康議題 Issue | 活動方式Method | 地點Place | |||
3月(Mar) |
1.114年3月5日(三) 18:30-19:30 9:00-16:00 3.114年2月24日至5月29日辦理「增肌減脂健康體位」活動 "Muscle Gain and Fat Loss for a Healthy Body" Activity (1)3月12日(三)12:20-13:20
(2)3月19日(三)12:20-13:20 (3)3月28日(五)12:20-13:20 4.114年3月20日(三)12:20-14:00 5.114年3月24日(一)18:30-19:30
1.與大安健康中心及住宿組,共同辦理「新型菸品的危害與防治講座」。 The Dangers and Prevention of New Tobacco Products Lecture
3.增肌減脂健康體位」活動: "Muscle Gain and Fat Loss for a Healthy Body" Activity
1.實體講座 In-person lecture |
1.男一舍2樓交誼廳Male Dorm 1, 2nd Floor Lounge
2.社團博覽會攤位 Setting Up a Booth at the Club Expo 5.大一女舍1樓會議室Freshman Female Dormitory, 1st Floor Conference Room |
4月(Apr) |
1.114年4月17日(四)12:20-13:30 2.114年4月24日(四)12:20-13:30 |
1-3.增肌減脂-基礎有氧及核心肌力訓練Muscle Gain and Fat Loss - Basic Cardio and Core Strength Training |
1-3實體活動 |
1.保健中心二樓Health Center, 2nd Floor |
5月(May) | 1.114年5月8日(四)12:20-13:30 2.114年5月14-15日(三、四)13:00-16:30 3.114年5月21日 (三)12:20-13:30 |
1.增肌減脂-基礎有氧及核心肌力訓練Muscle Gain and Fat Loss - Basic Cardio and Core Strength Training 2.「癌症健康篩檢活動」(Cancer Health Screening Campaign) 3.心靈紓壓手做活動 Mental Stress Relief Handcraft Activity |
1.保健中心二樓。Health Center, 2nd Floor 2.保健中心1樓。Health Center, 1st Floor 3.保健中心二樓。Health Center, 2nd Floor |
6月(Jun) |
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