Hao-Hsiang Chang
Title Director( Doctor)
Email allanchanghs@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No 02-33662180
- Supervise health center services
- Health-related administration
- Health care management
- Public Health
Substitute Yi-Chin Lee

Yi-Chin Lee
Title Doctor(Contract Staff)
Email yichinlee@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 3366-2156
- Clinic and emergency service
- Supervise patient education and consultation
- Infectious disease prevention and control
- Supervise student health examination service
- Other assigned business and tasks
Substitute An-Hsuan Chih

An-Hsuan Chih
Title Doctor(Contract Staff)
Email seanchih@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 3366-2156
- Clinic and emergency service
- Supervise patient education and consultation
- Infectious disease prevention and control
- Supervise student health examination service
- Other assigned business and tasks
Substitute Yi-Chin Lee
(Vacancy to be filled)
Title Technical Specialist
Office Tel No. 02-3366-2158
- Emergency care for injuries and illnesses
- Assist in outpation services
- Nursing business & HR management.
Substitute Chien-Huei Hung

Chang-Huei Hung
Title Technical Specialist (Medical Technician)
Email hungch@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 33662169
- Management of Offical Document and Property
- Deal with the recommendation of School affairs and Offical mail
- Management of variety of Meetings
- NTU Health Committee
- Manegement of Laboratory
- The supervision of Health checkup of freshman and new staff
- The supervision of cleaning
- Other official affairs
Substitute Yueh-Chu Ho

Wan-Ju Liu
Title Pharmacist
Email liuwanju@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 3366-2157
- Prescriptions and medicine consultation for the outpatients
- Purchasing and stock management of medicine
- Management and declaration processes for restricted medicine
- Education of medicine using safety
Substitute Hsiu Yi Chou

Hsiu-Hui Hsu
Title Senior Nurse
Email shuhh8021@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-33662179
- Emergency care and health education.
- Ophthalmology outpatient service
- Physical outpatient service
- Outpatient computer and Health insurance declaration
Substitute I-Hsin Chang.

Wei-Chi Hsieh
Title Radiographer (Senior Clerk)
Email swc74104@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 33662163
- Radiate business management
- Paper procurement
- Elevator and monitor management
- Management of air-conditioning equipment
- Photocopying machines and drinking fountains management
Substitute Chang-Huei

Hong-Xue Pan
Title Senior Clerk
Email panhx@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 33662172
- Hygiene education and consultation
- Deliver outpatient service exam samples, collect reports
- On duty as ambulance driver for emergencies or transfers
Substitute Wei-Tse Hsu

Hui-Wen Cheng
Title Senior Technician
Email chenghw@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-3366-2170
- Outpatient registry and services
- Anamnesis administration
- Outpatient statistical information
- OPD schedule notice
Substitute Hsiu-Yi Chou

Mei-Tso Chen
Title Senior Clerk
Email meitsojj@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 3366-2162
- Planning and managing budget.
- Reimbursing and reconciling accounts.
- Supporting for medical business.
- Request payment.
Substitute Hui-Wen Cheng

Chien-Hui CHAN
Title Senior Technician(Nurse)
Email chanchienhui@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 33662168
- Assist in outpatient services
- Emergency care for injuries and illnesses.
- Otolaryngology and dermatology related declaration affairs for the outpatient medical treatment services.
Substitute JuYing Hsiung

JuYing Hsiung
Title Senior Nurse
Office Tel No. 3366-2161
- Under-Graduate student health exam service and health report management.
- Emergency care for injury and illness.
- Assist in outpatient services.
- Other assigned business and tasks
Substitute Ho Yu-Hsien

Wei-Tse Hsu
Title Senior Clerk
Email kiddhsu32@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-33662155
- On duty as ambulance driver for emergencies or transfers
- Deliver outpatient services test samples,collect reports
- Offical documents trsformation.
Substitute Hong-Xue Pan

Title Technical Worker
Email clhsueh@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-33662155
- Archives receiving and dispatching
- Telephone answering
- Restoration
- Clean maintenance
- Entrance guard control
Substitute Wei-Tse Hsu、Hong-Xue Pan

Hsiu Yi Chou
Title Pharmacist(Senior Clerk)
Email chouhsiuyi@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No.
- Prescriptions and medicine consultation for the outpatients
- Stock management of medicine
- Education of medicine using safety
Substitute Wan-Ju Liu, Hui-Wen Cheng
Yu-Hsien Ho
Title Senior Technician(Nurse)
Email hoyuhsien@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 33662169
- Graduate student health exam service
- Graduate student health report managrment
- New staff health exam service
- New staff health report management
- Blood drawing.
- Network and telephone system managrment
Substitute Hsiung Ju-Ying

Ya-Wen Chen
Title Senior Nurse (Senior Clerk)
Title Senior Nurse (Senior Clerk)
Email yawen0728@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No.3366-2168
1.Health promotion, hygiene education and consultation.
2.Volunteer service study course.
3.Emergency care for injury and illness.
4.Integrating E-health Promotion
5.Assist in outpatient services.
Substitute Chien-Hui CHAN
Ching-Tzu Fu
Title Technician(Nurse)
Email chingtzu1013@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-33662159
- Emergency care and health education.
- Family medicine outpatient services
- OBS, SONA and Dental outpatient services.
Substitute Hsiu-Hui Hsu

Shu-Hui Liu
Title Senior NurseEmail shliu2024@ntu.edu.tw
Office Tel No. 02-3366-2159
1.Emergency care and health education.
2.Family medicine outpatient services.
3.OBS, SONA and Dental outpatient services.
Substitute Ching-Tzu Fu