         In order to strengthen the medical and healthcare service offered to the students, the school had, after the administration meeting held in May of 1966, officially established the Student Healthcare Center and renamed it to Health Care and Medical Center in March of 1996. On the 1st of August 1995, the school started to offer National Health Insurance to service school’s students, academic staffs, their families and people outside the school. Mainly offers diagnosis service provided by doctor-in-charge of the NTUH (National Taiwan University Hospital) Department of Family Medicine, the center also offers services provided by doctors from other specialties to create a NTUH-like high-quality and complete first-line medical service. The center has two professional school doctors from the Family Medicine background, several registered nurses and other medical professionals including pharmacist, radiologist ,medical technician and nutritionist. The center was established to provide: (1.) A promotion of the physical and mental health of academic staffs and students; (2.) A disease prevention for academic staffs and students.
The diagram of members organization

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